Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you ship to?

I offer worldwide shipping from Japan.

More shipping related questions

See Worldwide Shipping.

How do I care for my pots?

All the pots are dishwasher safe and microwave safe unless otherwise specified, although I recommend hand wash your items since it is gentler.

Kintsugi pots are never microwave safe because it has gold which is metal by definition.

The pots, unless otherwise specified, is not safe for direct fire contact or be heated directly on the stove. Heating up the clay too quickly will shock the clay body and cause cracks. For things like a clay pot, it needs to be made with specific types of clay to tolerate the fast temperature change.

Some glaze will get some crackles over time and it is normal and does not affect the food safety, as long as you wash the pots immediately after use and dry them thoroughly. In short, please take care of these items and they will be serving you for a long time.

Why is your brand name Be Pineapple?

If you speak Mandarin Chinese, you will know that my name Fenglin 凤麟 鳳麟, in some region, sounds very close to the pronunciation of Pineapple - Fengli 凤梨 鳳梨 . I often had to re-emphasize that my name is not Pineapple to people from southern part of China. So I embraced it.

Later I learned that Pineapple itself is also a symbol of hospitality which was a pleasant surprise. So I guess Be Pineapple is both Be Yourself, and Be Hospitable which are both great life mottos.